BG (Bernie Golias) and I have been together for 27 years now. And, in all that time, cars have been a focal point in our relationship.
My better half eats, drinks and breathes . . . you know . . . cars. Over the years, I’ve learned a little about the horseless carriage but, more importantly, I have tried to understand this (shall we call it?) obsession. Have I succeeded? Not really. But I do like cars, especially the ones BG collects, which are the really old ones, however impractical they may be.
“It’s all about the pride of ownership,” he says. Bernie is a true Winton man.
His collection isn’t huge, but his cars are one-of-a-kind. Wintons were made in Cleveland between 1898-1924 when the city was a major player in car manufacturing, so those that remain today are very rare and unique. Bernie’s Wintons consist of 1915 and 1918 sedans as well as a 1922 touring car owned by the son of Alexander Winton, the founder of the Winton Automobile Company.
Being married to Bernie has allowed me to meet folks from all walks of life over the years. Nice people, down-to-earth, relatable. In some cases, you would think that an individual with a multi-million dollar collection would have a certain attitude. Not so. On the contrary, they are only too happy to show you their prized possessions and talk about them for hours.

However, it’s not all shiny headlamps and dramatic car show entrances. One aspect about being married to a Car Idiot that is not easy to get used to is that, for the most part, whenever they plan a vacation or an outing, it’s usually car-related. Don’t believe me? Read Bernie’s blog about our trip to Costa Rica. They never stop thinking about cars. I’ve known ladies married to Car Idiots who were taken to a car show on their birthdays or, as was the case for my one friend, whose husband’s Model T became a decoration inside their home for 20 years!
My husband’s passion for these automobiles has, over time, spilled in to every part of our lives. Guess what our Welsh Corgi’s name is? What else? Winton, of course.
The love for antique cars led BG to join many worldwide organizations. One of the most prominent clubs he joined is the Antique Automobile Club of America, where he served as a national director. I realize that this was a big deal, but after a while I wasn’t too crazy about it. My practical side didn’t care for all the time and resources invested in this effort. However, BG loved it and gave it his best, as he always does with anything he gets involved in.

Another example: when I found our current home in a real estate magazine, I thought the outside building could house a growing automobile collection, and Bernie agreed. When we first moved in, it looked quite different.
As you can see from the pictures, it’s now jam-packed with car parts, tires, partly finished autos and every tool imaginable. When was all that stuff brought over? I never saw the delivery men ever drop these things off. I swear, BG must have specific instructions in place to deliver at certain times on certain days…

We’ve been living at this address for 15 years now. Bernie has been restoring his 1918 Winton for about 13 of those 15 years. He still has a way to go, although he’s made significant progress. I admire his passion, patience and devotion to the work at hand. I just hope he finishes one of these days, but then he’ll probably discover another Winton to cherish and restore.
That’s ok — this is the life of someone who loves a true Car Idiot . . . forever.