Welcome to the Car Idiots Forever® Hall of Fame!

You know who we mean . . . the men and women who have a slightly manic look at a car show.  They inhale old car leather like an aphrodisiac.  And when you ask a question about their latest auto acquisition, they pull out their cell phone to show pictures and brag about cubic inch displacement.  Their garages are crammed full of unused replacement parts "just in case," and every vacation includes  an automobile-themed stop. 

These car enthusiasts truly have the passion for car collecting . . . they're at the top of the food chain with the obsessive behavior that we all recognize in ourselves.  And so we honor them here.  The pioneers.  The best of the best.  The craziest of us all.  Well, at least concerning cars.

2022 Inductee

Thanks to the pandemic, we had a rough ride in 2021 and 2022, but we're finishing off 2022 in style . . . honoring one of the behind-the-scenes influencers in the automotive industry (with quite a few other interesting accomplishments as well). 

We at Car Idiots Forever® proudly introduce you to our exclusive Hall of Fame Inductee for 2022: 




Ever since Patrycya Hill earned a 2nd place Builder’s Award for a 1937 Flathead 45 Harley at Detroit’s Cobalt Hall back in 1975, she’s been making tracks in the automotive and specialty equipment industries.  

Pat’s resume proves that she has been involved in automotive aftermarket and restyling and customizing enterprises for a long time . . . and has been creating innovative restyling concepts and aftermarket sales techniques as well as organizing warehouse logistics, heading co-op advertising programs, leading product line marketing and designing dealer program incentives.  

Pat has been a marketing consultant, marketing manager, independent consultant and general sales manager, not only representing her company through catalogs, newsletters and packaging but by being on the ground at SEMA/AIA, Performance Racing Industry and local car shows and drag racing events.  

We think you get that Pat knows her car stuff.  


Racking up the Awards

Then there are the personal accomplishments:
     •  2013 NC Excellence Award by USTCI
     •  2008 Motorsports Industry Award
     •  Spearheaded start-up of Restyling Trends and Directions magazine
     •  Designed first Mock Convertible for the Cleveland aftermarket
     •  Created Crown Victoria package for Cleveland Ford dealers, adopted by Ford Motor Company for                    model years 1979-1989
     •  Sold $100K limousine to the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates

Patents & Designs

With such a vast knowledge of the aftermarket industry and her formidable skills in promotion and marketing, it was a natural next step when Pat opened her new business:  Koolmat Hi-Tech Heat Insulation (koolmat.com).


Some of Pat and her team’s (literally) cool accomplishments:

  1. Invented Koolmat Insulation:
    • This high-temperature (1,200°F) composite insulation stops heat and lowers sound in the automotive, industrial and commercial industries.
    • The first piece fabricated by Koolmat was a die-cut disk used for an infrared light on the Hubble Space Telescope.
    • Today they supply bulk material for do-it-yourself guys and pre-cut floor kits for a variety of makes and models.
    • The Koolmat design is so unique that it’s protected by a US patent.

     2.  Designed Koolsox, a 900°F fiberglass sleeving to prevent spark plug boot burns.

     3.  Designed Heatmaster, 2,500°F exhaust and side exhaust heat shields.

     4.  Moved to North Carolina to supply NASCAR race teams.


And Don't Forget Her Music


Pat's music

In the midst of all this (and the move from Cleveland to North Carolina), Pat has also been pursuing a singer/songwriter career. So far (and she’s not done), she’s placed in 13 contests and came in first in the 2017 American Songwriter Lyrics Contest.

With a mix of country, Christian rock, folk and bluegrass, Ms. Hill has produced and released over 16 songs. In fact, you can listen to her music at ReverbNation by clicking here.

Pat Hill is truly an innovator in the automotive industry, and her marketing and design work have influenced both the aftermarket and the racing sectors. It’s a given that she belongs in the Car Idiots Forever Hall of Fame.

Oh, and, by the way, she still owns that award-winning 1937 Harley!




Who do you know?  Nominate them here!

. . . to nominate an Inductee.